With revolutionary new automated marking
The innovative new Sage Qualifications AutoMarker ® functionality provides rapid feedback that significantly improves the learning experience.

Build yourself a better future in accounting and payroll
Develop your skills and gain qualifications in digital accounting and payroll with a course from Sage Qualifications, the provider of official accredited qualifications developed in partnership with Sage UK.

Improve your employment prospects
Courses from Sage Qualifications can greatly improve your career development options

Want to offer payroll and accounts courses?
We work with universities, further education providers, schools, private providers, prisons and the military
Accredited qualifications from Sage UK
Choose from our range of courses developed in partnership with awarding and professional bodies to form Sage UK's Accredited Qualification Programme.
“All accounting concepts are explained clearly and concisely”
Awarding body partners
We are very proud to have partnered with a wide range of leading awarding bodies.

Learn at your own time and pace
Find out more about the benefits of our product training and qualifications.